Thursday, September 29, 2011

Silly boy

Day 264: 9/21
Brant is ready for his 2nd day at MOPS. He had a hard time with being away from Mommy today. Broke his Mommy's heart. Chewing on a sock. Silly boy.

Day 263: 9/20
Supervising Daddy's work.

Day 262: 9/19
Brant and Luke playing leap frog while the Mommies play with fabric and hot glue guns.

Day 261: 9/18
Brant discovered that he liked Rice Husks. They will be good for keeping him occupied when we go out! I like to keep a few tricks up my sleeve. Believe me. We must have tricks. :)

Day 260: 9/17
Dinner with the Morris family. It was so yummy. Emily and B riding the chickens.

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