Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lanie Marie is 2 Today!

My one and only niece is growing up so fast. She turned two today. She was born 8 days before my 23rd birthday. Andrew and I were living in Knoxville at the time and Libby had asked me to be in the delivery room on the big day. All I remember is nothing else mattered....getting home to be there when she was born was top priority. Libby went in early on a Saturday morning and was induced and Lanie was born early that afternoon and I was able to be there. Thankfully. It was a blessing. This little girl means the world to me and you can tell by the pictures she is ADORABLE! I treasure every minute I get to spend with her. I love you and Miss you Lanie! Happy Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl. Thank you Lord for such a wonderful niece.

Visit from the Parentals...

This weekend my parents came to visit. Andrew and I really enjoyed their company. Thanks Mom and Dad for a great weekend. We love you.

Beale Street

My Mom signed the wall down at Graceland. This is what she wrote. Isn't that sweet?? It was Valentine's Day.


Kelly said...

I've never been to Graceland. Was it fun?

Lanie is growing up so fast. I can't believe she's already 2 years old!! Too cute!!

Nathan said...
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Brittany said...

I see Lanie more on your blog than in person and she just lives down the street :) I want to come back down to Memphis and see you and Michelle again. Maybe this summer??!! Miss you!

Nathan said...

hi Tash Kelly didn't like my original funny comment so I deleted it! Just kidding Gordo and Micki

Tara said...

Looks like you & your mom and dad had a lot of fun. Miss you!