Nahhhh....You're right. Andrew and I found this at a church in Memphis next to a Mexican restaurant that we eat at. Maybe one day.... ha ha
Can you tell that I just LOVE polka dots???
It was time to take down my Valentine Decor and replace it with spring and Easter stuff. So I decided to make some Easter Eggs that would match our living room. They match the pillows on our couch perfectly! This is what I came up with...
One more thing - This is what my good friend, Beth made me for my birthday! It will look perfect hanging on my desk in my classroom. Thanks, Beth!! Love ya! Now if I can just get her to teach me how to make them.
cute eggs, we may have to use that idea! The kids would have fun with it..
Your eggs are adorable!! I love, love, love polka dots too! The "Mrs. Raymond" is so cool. Love the pastor's wife pic. Ok so I pretty much just love everything in your post tonight. haha
Tasha - great idea with the eggs! I think we're headed to Memphis in early June. I'll have to let you know the dates for sure. Jess had a conference (I think it's the first weekend in June) in Memphis. Jack and I will probably come along.
I am a pastor's wife too. I was a yp's wife for 9 years. Now my hubby is an executive pastor. Been there done that (the hang out with middle school girls part). Thanks for stopping by my blog today.
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